Are you looking for individual or family insurance? Maybe you lost your employer coverage, your employer does not offer insurance, or you are self-employed? Maybe you are going to be turning 26 soon or recently turned 26 and now you have lost your parents insurance plan?
Health Insurance:
November 1st and ends December 15th: Annual Open Enrollment period for health insurance, in order to secure health insurance for January 1st effective date.
December 16th and ends on January 15th: Annual Open Enrollment period for health insurance, in order to secure health insurance for February 1st effective date.
Outside of the medical Annual Open Enrollment:
In order to secure a health plan, you are required to have a qualifying event that happened within the last 60 days or is about to happen in the next 60 days.
What is a qualifying event? Things like divorce, marriage, birth of a child, loss of other coverage. NOTE: Proof of the qualifying event is required and must be provided at time of your enrollment.
What if I missed the Annual Open Enrollment and I do not have a qualifying event?
There are some temporary insurance options out there, like a Short-Term Medical Plan. NOTE: Short Term Medical plans do not cover pre-existing conditions, it has limited benefits, not required to meet Federal standards for comprehensive health coverage, and you must be able to pass medical underwriting.
Short Term Medical plans really are a temporary solution, however. It is also important to note that with the new Federal rules that began for plans effective 9/1/2024 on Short Term Medical plans. Plans sold or issued on or after 9/1/2024 Short-Term Medical plans can now only cover you up to three months, with a possible one-month renewal, totaling up to four months. Once you have exhausted your four months, you will be required to take a 12 month break before another Short-Term Medical plan can be written.
Dental & Vision:
Dental and/or Vision insurance can be secured anytime of the year. NOTE: Will need to enroll the month prior to the requested effective date.
Are you turning 65 soon and looking for help with your Medicare options? Maybe you are already 65 or older and not happy with your current Medicare plan? Things to consider when selecting a Medicare plan:
Monthly premium cost, what I can or cannot afford?
My estimated annual medical care costs.
Do I want an open or closed provider network for doctor access and care?
Do I travel or intend to travel?
What prescription medications do I take and what plan will best work for my prescription medication needs?
If you are already 65 or older and enrolled into Medicare, the Annual Medicare Enrollment is October 15th – December 7th each year.
Please note: Any changes you make during the Medicare Annual Enrollment period will take effect on January 1st of the following year. Existing Medicare beneficiaries, please call Paroubek Insurance during the Annual Medicare Open Enrollment October 15th – December 7th to review your current Medicare coverages and compare options during the annual enrollment period.
Contact: Angela Romenesko at 920-347-9115 or